Why Is My Dog Not Eating?

There can be many reasons why a dog’s appetite may change, but if your dog is not eating at all, a closer look at the animal’s diet and health may be necessary. By understanding why a dog may stop eating, you can be sure your canine companion is healthy and well-nourished with the proper diet for its needs. How a Dog’s Appetite Changes A dog’s appetite and eating habits will change throughout its life. Dogs eat differently based on their age, activity level, and overall health, and those changes are natural and no cause for concern. A hyperactive puppy, for...
Keeping Your Pets Cool in Hot Weather

Summer weather is one of the best times to get outside and be active with your furry friend. However, you should keep in mind that your pet reacts differently to heat than you do. Here are some things to keep an eye out for during hot weather: Pre-hot weather grooming Before the hot summer days arrive, you may want to consider grooming your pet. Thought your pet does have the natural defense of shedding as the heat approaches, it never hurts to help things along by giving a quick brushing to get out all the loose hair. This can be...
Pet Care After an Insect Sting

Insect stings can be painful or itchy, or may cause more severe skin or allergic reactions. What should you do to care for your pet after an insect sting to keep the animal comfortable and avoid any other possible complications? Insects That Sting A wide variety of insects can sting, including bees, wasps, hornets, fire ants, yellow jackets, mosquitos, spiders, and more. Other insects, such as fleas and ticks, may bite but not necessarily sting, though the reactions can be the same. Many insects, whether they bite or sting, are not typically aggressive, but bite or sting only as a...
Is The Swimming Pool Safe For Your Pets?

The pool is a great place for your family and pets to spend their summers. It’s the perfect solution to cooling down, soaking up some sun, and having lots of fun. However, like with small children, your dog can potentially be at risk of getting hurt if not properly supervised. Not all dogs are great swimmers and not all pools are considered dog friendly. Rule number one for pet pool safety is to never leave your pet unattended around a pool. This has the potential to be a very dangerous situation. If you are aware that your dog is not...
Heartworm Prevention in Pets

Heartworm is a very serious and potentially deadly disease that can affect all breeds of dogs at any age. This parasite has also been reported more rarely in cats and ferrets, and it is wise for any pet owner to take precautions to protect their pet. Fortunately, it is easy for a diligent and conscientious pet owner to prevent heartworm and keep their pets healthy. About Heartworm Heartworm is an infestation of Dirofilaria immitis worms, a type of parasitic roundworm with a threadlike body that can reach 9-12 inches long at maturity. These parasites are only spread through mosquito bites,...